The Miscellanies Companion Series

“These volumes offer wonderfully rich resources for in-depth study of Jonathan Edwards’s thought. Scholars will find them to offer essential guidance and valuable commentary on Edwards’s wide-ranging theological reflections.”
GEORGE MARSDEN, author of Jonathan Edwards: A Life
“The Miscellanies Project” is a remarkable step forward in Edwards scholarship and indicates ways that historiography and digital technology can bear surprising and fruitful results. The creativity of this project matches that of Edwards’s own mind, which is often best seen in the panoply of topics he dealt with in his “Miscellanies.”
IAN CLARY, Assistant Professor of Historical Theology, Colorado Christian University
“The Miscellanies Companion [volume 1] wonderfully sheds light on Edwards’s private theological workshop: his cavernous “Miscellanies” notebooks. The twenty-one essays here are packed with Edwards’s stimulating theological reflections on numerous topics, both well-known (the Trinity, Hell, the Millennium) and not-so-well-known (like China, the Sabbath, and comets!). The addition of Robert Boss’s visual maps of Edwards’s thought dramatically increases the appeal of this volume. An outstanding contribution to Edwards scholarship that I shall be returning to for years to come!”
ROBERT W. CALDWELL III, Professor of Church History, Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary
Treatises on Jonathan Edwards Series

“This [Edwards, Continuous Creation, and Christology] is the best attempt to date to systematize the nexus of comments found mainly in Edwards’ notebooks on the relationship of ontology, etiology, and Christology. It represents an advance on the account of Hamilton’s brilliant teacher, Oliver D. Crisp, one on which analytical minds will noodle for many years to come. I recommend it strongly, and find its arguments for what Hamilton calls Edwards’ “immaterial realism” compelling.”
DOUGLAS A. SWEENEY, Dean of Beeson Divinity School, Samford University
In view of the abundance of literature presenting Jonathan Edwards as a “missionary” or a “theologian,” it is rare to find a lacuna in this terrain. Nonetheless, this book [Edwards and World Mission] makes a fresh contribution by insightfully amalgamating these two dimensions—analyzing Edwards as a theologian of world mission. Adam Cavalier’s innovative missional emphasis on familiar treatises such as, The End for Which God Created the World, Original Sin, Freedom of the Will, An Humble Attempt, and Religious Affections makes not only for a fascinating read but an inspiring one as well.
CHRIS CHUN, Director of Jonathan Edwards Center West, Professor of Church History, Gateway Seminary
The “other” Jonathan Edwards has never received the attention his work as New Haven pastor, dedicated theologian, and interpreter of his famous father’s legacy deserves. With especially fruitful use of the younger Edwards’ manuscript sermons, this carefully researched book [The Forgotten Edwards] goes a long way to redress that undeserved neglect.
MARK NOLL, author of In the Beginning Was the Word: The Bible in American Public Life, 1492–1783