A Unique Asset to Students of Edwards
Visual Edwards is a unique asset to students of Edwards—mapping his thought and creating a new view of America’s theologian. Visual Edwards is, as it were, an advanced computational material which can be stretched, bent, and zoomed to direct students to areas of interest. As a cartographic tool, Visual Edwards, along with the JEViewer software, grants readers new visual access to Edwards’ rich associative theology. New vistas of research open with the ability to visually explore, markup, comment, and publish maps of Edwards’ writing and thought—taking Edwards to the next generation of students.
In December of 2018, an international body of Edwards scholars contributed to The Miscellanies Companion, the print publication of The Miscellanies Project, a subset of the Visual Edwards Project. The color illustrated Companion is joined by the growing body of visualizations on JESociety.org. We were honored to have Douglas A. Sweeney, Director of JECTEDS, now Dean of Beeson Divinity School, write the Foreword to The Miscellanies Companion.

The Visual Edwards Project continues to make exciting progress. A major milestone has been reached with the addition of a new feature to the Visual Edwards software which enables easy data exchange and collaboration between users (sharing notes, screens, and bookmarked locations).
Call for Submissions for Volume 1 [Closed]
Students and scholars are now invited to contribute essays for publication in The Miscellanies Companion, Volume 2, Foreword by Kenneth P. Minkema, Executive Director of the Jonathan Edwards Center at Yale University. Click here for details about the previous Miscellanies Companion.
Participants in this project must have at minimum a master’s degree in history, theology, philosophy, religious studies, literature, or related fields, or be able to demonstrate their qualifications to contribute to the project.
Essays should be 5000–7000 words and follow Chicago Manual of Style and the citation formats for WJE at http://edwards.yale.edu/research/citation-guidelines. All citations and quotations of Edwards must be from the letterpress or online Yale edition. Essays should not be previously submitted or published elsewhere.
Projected timeline as follows:
Topic submission deadline – June 1, 2020
Essay submissions due – December 31, 2020
Publication by JESociety Press – Fall 2021
Topic Selection
The first step for contributors will be identifying their topics of interest.
- Consult list of topics already selected.
- Peruse the Table to the Miscellanies for subjects of interest.
- Select a topic (not the Miscellanies numbers).
- Complete the submission form below.
- Upon approval, contributors will be contacted with next steps and essay guidelines.
Submission Form
Alternatively, you may email the required information to rob@jesociety with “Submissions” as the subject line.