Getting Started with JEViewer GETTING STARTED WITH JEVIEWER DOWNLOAD NOW Button functions. Click images to enlarge Open a visualization file that is on your computerOpen an annotation file that’s on your computerOpen WJEO in a browser windowOpen Visual Edwards Library table in a browser windowDownload a visualizationExecute special commandsSend search to WJEOAdd your signatureStore comments in temporary memoryRecall comments from temporary memoryClear temporary memoryOpen in browserOpen Quick Start page in browserZoom inZoom outReset zoomIncrease font sizeDecrease font sizeToggle line or color visualizationCycle through background lampsLoad themed bakgroundsDim backgroundBrighten backgroundChange annotation pane sizeRecord animation Videos below are of an older version of JEViewer 1. Opening a File 2. Loading Notes and Typing 3. Taking a Snapshot 4. Opening WJEO 5. Resizing Map and Text 6. Adjusting Lamp Direction 7. Adding a Signature 8. Downloading from Cloud 9. Animating Frames 10. Searching for Phrases Share this:TweetEmail