A visualization of “Atone” “Elect” in the Works of Jonathan Edwards vols 1–26.
Tag: Atonement
New book on JE and Atonement
JONATHAN EDWARDS on the ATONEMENT Understanding the Legacy of America’s Greatest Theologian By Brandon James Crawford Forward by Joel Beeke Available on: Amazon Wipf and Stock About the Book: The gospel is the heart of the Christian faith, and the atonement is the heart of the gospel. In this work, Pastor Brandon Crawford offers a study…
For What does Christ Die?
For What does Christ Die?: Jonathan Edwards on Divine Justice and Atonement—S. Mark Hamilton. Introduction. Jonathan Edwards’ doctrine of atonement has been the source of some recent and focused interest in the literature. Until recently, the majority of his interpreters had characterized Edwards’ doctrine as on the one hand, “Anselmian” by which is generally understood that Edwards subscribed to the doctrine of the absolute necessity of the atonement rather than what we might think of as full-orbed satisfaction model.