A Case Study in the ‘Blank Bible’

“At last! Schweitzer has given Edwards’ scholars and aficionados the much-needed key to typological references in Edwards’ neglected Ur text, the Blank Bible.” – JENNIFER LEADER

Jonathan Edwards Commentaries on the New Testament – Update

In 2023, Robert Boss was invited to execute Phase Two and significantly expand the commentaries to integrate the “Blank Bible” with Edwards’s entire 73-volume corpus. Phase Two breaks down Edwards’s sermons, treatises, and notebooks into a line-by-line Scripture commentary woven tightly into the KJV New Testament. These commentaries showcase Edwards as deeply engaged with the Bible, adding context and depth. Comprehensive footnotes were added to connect the commentaries to the Yale critical edition of Edwards’s works, fully capturing the interconnectedness of his thoughts.

Theology & the Art of Temptation Series

This series is unique, enriched by selections from Jonathan Edwards’s theological notebooks and his other writings, combined with stories of the tempted and Doctor Freefall’s diabolical advice to Slidefoot. These guides to leading souls astray are a blend of historical theology and devilish cunning that will captivate and educate thoughtful believers, seekers, and the curious alike.