Happy New Year from the Jonathan Edwards Society!
New Year’s Eve was exciting as contributions continued to roll in for Volume 3 of The Jonathan Edwards Miscellanies Companion. It is shaping up to be a great third installment in the series! This volume will be peer-reviewed with chapters by professors, theologians, pastor-scholars, and PhD students. Publication is slated for Fall 2023.
Also in the publishing queue at JESociety Press are several books of fresh scholarship on Edwards’ ethics, sacraments and ecclesiology, defense of original sin, natural typology, and more. Be on the lookout for these works in the coming months.
The year 2022 saw the advent of Types Explorer, a new addition to the Visual Edwards Project. This innovative software, written in the Python programming language, opens new vistas in the study of natural typology then and now. Visual Edwards is an actively developed software project which visually analyzes the writing and thought of Jonathan Edwards (Yale edition, vols. 1-26) as a complex network emanating from his “Miscellanies” and other notebooks.
Thank you for your readership in 2022 at jesociety.substack.com. More to come in 2023…